Columbus, Ohio authorities have shut down a nightclub after R&B singer Trey Songz staged a show for more than 500 people there over the weekend.
"Agents observed patrons standing, walking freely, and sharing alcoholic beverages directly from the same bottle as they were passed between groups. No social distancing or physical barriers were in place. Most of the crowd and the employees were not wearing facial coverings."
"Agents arrived at 9.30pm and observed egregious violations of health orders as approximately 500 people inside attended a concert," a statement obtained by CNN reads. "The dance floor and stage area, as well as the bar and table sections were crowded with patrons. Patrons were congregated throughout the premises with no attempts to maintain social distancing and no physical barriers in place."
"Agents observed patrons standing, walking freely,and sharing alcoholic beverages directly from the same bottle as they were passed between groups. No social distancing or physical barriers were in place. Most of the crowd and the employees were not wearing facial coverings."
Footage from the concert, posted online, appears to support the complaint, and now Columbus City Attorney Zach Klein has confirmed the club has been closed and a restraining order has been imposed.
A hearing on the case is expected on December 17th
"Last weekend's indoor concert at Aftermath was in blatant disregard of COVID-19 health orders and social distancing best practices," Klein said in a statement. "We are in the middle of a surge in coronavirus infections, yet the owners of Aftermath planned to continue hosting large-scale events at their venue, including this upcoming weekend. In the interest of community health, we secured an immediate shutdown of this property."
Ironically, Trey Songz tested positive for COVID-19 back in October (20) and insisted he was taking the pandemic very seriously.